
名称: 保定建材模具厂


检查井是为城市地下基础设施的供电、给水、排水、排污、通讯、有线电视、煤气管、路灯线路等维修,安装方便而设置的。一般设在管道交汇处、转弯处、管径或坡度改变处、以及直线管段上每隔一定距离处,是便于定期检查附属构筑物。框格护坡模具 箱体护坡模具 华尔街铜牛 电阻柜 接地电阻柜 电缆保护接地箱 隔离墩模具 化粪池模具
The inspection well is set for the maintenance and installation of power supply, water supply, drainage, sewage, communication, cable TV, gas pipe and street lamp lines of urban underground infrastructure. It is generally set at the pipeline intersection, turning, pipe diameter or slope change, and at a certain distance on the straight pipe section, so as to facilitate the regular inspection of auxiliary structures.
塑料一体注塑检查井是指构成检查井的主要井座部分采用一次性注塑成型,井筒插口采用360度环型承载平台,井身及井座底部采用网状加锈钢铸件  螺杆式启闭机 保定搬家 电缆挂钩 冲压机  防撞护栏模具强筋,各承插口采用环型加强筋设计。根据接管数和角度不同有起始井座、直通井座、45度弯头井座、三通井座、四通井座等。为了适应各种排水状况,塑料检查井同时配套有变径接头、汇流接头、井筒多接头等与之配套的塑料一体注塑成型配件。以保障整个排水系统的流畅和密封性。
Plastic integrated injection molding inspection well refers to that the main well seat constituting the inspection well adopts one-time injection molding, the well socket adopts 360 degree annular bearing platform, the well body and the bottom of the well seat adopt mesh stiffeners, and each socket adopts annular stiffener design. According to the number and angle of nozzles, there are starting well seat, straight well seat, 45 degree elbow well seat, three-way well seat, four-way well seat, etc. In order to adapt to various drainage conditions, the plastic inspection well is equipped with reducing joint, confluence joint, shaft multi joint and other plastic integrated injection molding accessories. To ensure the smoothness and tightness of the whole drainage system


  1. 名称: 保定建材模具厂
  2. 手机:13313028229

版权 ©  保定建材模具厂 网址:uxingmoju.89ix.com  推荐:u型槽模具,隔离墩钢模板,检查井钢模板,水泥护坡模具

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