
名称: 保定建材模具厂


The reasons and preventive measures for the lack of hardness of the U-groove die are as follows: the process temperature should be corrected, the temperature control system should be checked and checked, and the workpiece interval should be reasonably arranged evenly, dispersed into the groove and stacked or bundled into the groove for cooling should be prohibited. The quenching temperature is too high, which is caused by improper process setting temperature or temperature control system error. The process temperature should be corrected, and the temperature control system should be checked and checked. Overtempering is caused by over tempering temperature setting, fault error of temperature control system or charging when the furnace temperature is too high. The process temperature should be corrected, the temperature control system should be checked and checked, and the charging temperature should not be higher than setting the furnace temperature.


  1. 名称: 保定建材模具厂
  2. 手机:13313028229

版权 ©  保定建材模具厂 网址:http://uxingmoju.89ix.com  推荐:u型槽模具,隔离墩钢模板,检查井钢模板,水泥护坡模具
